Major capital projects advisory refers to the provision of consulting services to clients involved in large-scale capital projects such as infrastructure, construction, or energy projects. These projects often require significant investment, complex planning, and management to ensure they are completed on time, within budget, and meet the desired outcomes.

Advisors in this field provide a range of services to clients, including project management, risk management, financial analysis, procurement, contract management, and stakeholder engagement. They help clients develop and implement strategies to minimize risk, manage costs, and improve project outcomes.

The advisory team may also assist in the assessment of project feasibility, including the identification of potential risks and opportunities, and advise on the selection of project delivery methods. They may also provide guidance on regulatory compliance and environmental and social impact assessments.

Overall, the role of a major capital projects advisor is to provide clients with the expertise and support needed to successfully execute large-scale capital projects, from initial planning to project delivery and beyond.